Backup - encrypted file backup solution for computers and servers

Protect your data from fire and water accidents, theft and hardware damage. Use Backup and be sure that your files will not be lost.

Beginnen Sie mit

Download and install Backup apps

Führen Sie ein Upgrade auf Pro durch, um mehr Speicherplatz und Funktionen zu erhalten

20 GB Speicherplatz pro Monat
Store and share documents
Konvertieren von Dokumenten in PDF
Die beliebtesten Funktionen
Sie werden sparen 24$
$7,9 /month
$9,9 /month
118,8$ 94,80$ Jährlich
Dreimal schnellerer Upload
2 TB Datenspeicher
50 GB Dateigröße
Keine Werbung
Passwortgeschützte Links
Löschdatum festlegen
Dateiwiederherstellung für 30 Tage
Medadata: XMP, IPTC, Exif
AI speech to text
Sie werden sparen 72$
$19 /month
$25 /month + VAT
300$ 228$ + VAT Jährlich
2 TB und 4 Benutzer inklusive
Leistungsstärkere Server
E-Signatur von Dokumenten
Dateigröße bis zu 200 GB
Dateiwiederherstellung bis zu 1 Jahr
2FA und Sicherheitseinstellungen
E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen über Dateiaktivitäten
Technische Unterstützung
Sie werden sparen 312$
$99 /month
$125 /month + VAT
1500$ 1188$ + VAT Jährlich
5TB und 10 Benutzer inklusive
Geschäftsfunktionen und Rechnungsstellung
Dateigröße bis zu 400 GB
Dateiwiederherstellung bis zu 5 Jahre
2FA und Sicherheitseinstellungen
Aktivitäts- und Dateizugriffsprotokoll
Technischer Business-Support
Erkennung und Suche von Masseninhalten

How does it work?

How does it work?

" Backup" software tool automatically creates encrypted file backup copies on your computer or server.

Copies are stored in the PRO or Business account from Windows or MacOS devices.

How It Works

The right backup strategy for important data!

Backup Strategy
To achieve this, you can set up different geo destinations in " Backup" jobs
Use both Sync and Backup apps to have different copies and restore options
The safest backup option is to two independent service providers
3-2-1 universal strategy or rule of thumb would be: have a local copy on different HDD (you can set that up via Backup jobs) and use File Sync and Backup apps in parallel - that gives you 3 copies and instant access to the files.
For backup differentiation, we suggest you set up separate backup jobs for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups, like "daily and keep last 30 days", "weekly and keep last 12 weeks", "monthly and keep last 12 months", "yearly and keep last 5 years". This will help distribute backups, separate copies and boost restore process.°

Backup tool features

Easy to understand interface
The tool has a simple and prudent management interface, available locally via web browser or through a network for administrator access.
Quick installation
By using an installation wizard and the default values, you can setup a full file backup in 10 minutes.
Easy to use and recover files
An icon appears in your Desktop toolbar near your clock, that informs about the status of the backup, and lets you access the control panel.
Copy and connection encryption
The tool uses the AES-256 encryption to protect your privacy and can utilize GnuPG to encrypt your file copies, before copying them to the server.
Incremental and recurring schedule
For each backup job, you can specify when and how often to make backups, how many versions to store and for how long to keep them on the server.
Data deduplication and compression
Tool efficiently uses data deduplication and compression to save up storage and time needed for backups.

Protect your data = create file backups

Protect your data = create file backups

Every year, most small businesses are faced with the loss of data, ending in disaster for business. There may be various reasons - cryptoviruses, hardware defects and deterioration, user errors or intentional misuse, device theft or loss of all data.

The most common ways of losing data: fire, thefts, liquids, hardware failures

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Protect data

Partners and tech

"Dieses Projekt wird vom Block.IS (Blockchain Innovation Spaces) Horizont 2020 Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Projekt Nr. 824509 im Rahmen der Finanzierung durch die Europäische Kommission finanziert."